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SOCET SET® v5.6 digital mapping software is used for precision photogrammetry and geospatial analysis, and is renowned for its unequaled depth, performance, and ability to ingest data from numerous image sources.

Customers worldwide use SOCET SET to create accurate, high resolution digital terrain and surface models, image maps, 3-D visualizations, GIS databases, and more. Its incomparable accuracy comes from the image sensor modeling process, which uses rigorous mathematical models to associate points on an image with their real-world locations.


SOCET SET works with the latest airborne digital sensors and includes innovative point-matching algorithms for multi-sensor triangulation. It offers powerful functionality for triangulation, DEM extraction, orthorectification, mosaicking, and feature collection. Moreover, these capabilities reduce labor hours through optimized, end-to-end workflows, resulting in significant cost savings throughout the mapping process.


SOCET SET also exploits film, digital airborne, satellite, and terrestrial imagery. The software can combine different sources within one project, giving the user maximum flexibility to meet mapping goals. In addition, users can batch-process operations to increase productivity, including distributed processing on networked computers using the Condor® application.


SOCET SET’s solid architecture, numerous data formats and sensor models, unmatched algorithms, and rich feature set are the product of more than 25 years of development. This versatile photogrammetry tool tackles large projects with ease, allowing users to streamline tedious, routine digital mapping tasks and optimize their workflows. The data collected and produced by SOCET SET can be exported in various formats forend users, or for input to other applications. These raster and vector products, derived from many different image sources, are widely used throughout the mapping, GIS, remote sensing, visualization, and simulation communities.


Key capabilities


  • Supports multiple imagery sources with unrivaled range of data formats

  • Simultaneous use of multiple sensors within the same project

  • Flexible batch processing to facilitate automated workflows tuned to customer requirements

  • Capability to produce orthophotos efficiently and broad area mosaics automatically from multiple images

  • Extensive automation throughout, using algorithms derived from years of evolution

  • Extensive application programmer’s interface used by many developers

  • Permits users to edit geodatabases without photogrammetric expertise




  • SOCET for ArcGIS® module works with geodatabases to facilitate versioning and topology

  • DTMs are generated automatically for use with orthophotos, mosaics, and visualization databases

  • Robust, well established functionality for terrain extraction offers enhanced performance through continuous innovation

  • Powerful multi-sensor triangulation functionality reduces production cycles

  • Unprecedented number of sensor and math models provides unmatched accuracy

  • Mosaic Manager automates the mosaicking process to create orthomosaics, ortho sheets, and true orthos

  • VrOne® 3-D graphic capabilities prepare vector data for accurate translation to GIS and other CAD systems

  • BINGO functionality saves editing time with automatic blunder detection capabilities

  • Superb pedigree, with thousands of labor hours of investment and experience




The base software includes: frame and close-range image import; multi-image viewing; real-time image shaping and rectification; and automatic interior orientation. Additionally, the “Core” bundle includes Model Setup, Image Map, Line of Sight Analysis, CIB® Import, CADRG, OpenFlight(tm), and Simple Sensor Models. Additional functionality, such as triangulation, DTM generation, orthorectification, and feature collection, is available in optional modules. The user purchases only what is needed.


Additional features available



Feature collection and editing in the ESRI® environment. Since SOCET for ArcGIS utilizes the rigorous photogrammetry of SOCET SET in conjunction with ESRI’s ArcMap application, operators can follow their ordinary GIS workflows in a familiar environment while collecting accurate geospatial data in stereo.



SOCET SET’s vertical obstruction identification software application uses stereo imagery for identifying and collecting vertical obstructions in and around airfields. It automatically creates the FAA, NGA, and ICAO PANS-OPS obstruction identification surfaces for military and civilian airfields.



Developed by Cardinal Systems and designed by photogrammetrists, VrOne is a powerful package for feature collection and editing. Its integration with SOCET SET provides a system that is easy to learn, and offers fast data collection, straightforward editing, and specialized mapping applications for the commercial market.



BINGO, from GIP Geoinformatics and Photogrammetric Engineering, is a state-of-the-art bundle adjustment package for rapid triangulation of large blocks of airborne film imagery, terrestrial imagery and geodetic observations.

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