About Image Information Technologies
Based on its proven experience, IIT has gained in the last several years the position of a highly regarded research and development center in the areas of photogrammetry and geo-spatial data fusion.
In summary, IIT`s strength lies in its unique capabilities of utilizing spatial image analysis for improving location-based decision making.
What Do We Do

From In-Sight to Insights
IIT's main domain of expertise is being multidisciplinary sensor modelling (RGB, Lidar, MS/HS, SAR, etc.) enabling ultra-accurate, high-resolution, 3D products.
Our Spatial X-Factor
We are presently conducting several prestigious research and development efforts in the area of Geo-Spatial AI.
We offer CI/CD pipelines for automatic train, test and deployment of Machine Learning SOTA models from the fields of : computer vision, photogrammetry and 3D dense scene reconstruction.

Questions about the services we provide? Feel free to reach out today.